Premise: try to understand wars and conflicts as high-energy outburst events that occur at the interface/event horizon when two disparate entities try to communicate, but their capacity to communicate falls short of their desire/need to communicate.
Therefore, it follows that, if the capacity to communicate increases, the chances of incidence of the high-energy outburst events reduces.
Now, consider: communication is a flow of information.
Also consider: human beings are currently using information tools like never before in their history. Information technology tools powered by computer science and technology. This can be seen as the continued evolution of the tool-using legacy/nature of human beings.
All that to say: human beings are now capable of experiencing a flow of information at unprecedented scales.
Increased flow of information tends to increase the capacity to communicate (the more available bandwidth, the richer the media/signal can be). Increased capacity for communication leads to a reduction in communication gaps and misunderstandings (which are proven markers that predict conflict, aggression, and violence).
This says: human beings are becoming more and more capable of peace and harmony, despite all the perceived differences that divided and troubled them in the past.
This says: a peace-filled, beautiful world is a realistic plan, and that the plan is already in motion.
This also dissolves the long-held belief/assumption that “human beings are fundamentally war-loving” or that “[a] propensity for conflict is always active in human nature”.
The new understanding becomes: “Human beings are fundamentally desirous of communication/connection. When their capacity to communicate does not match their desire/need to communicate, untoward incidents happen. They are gaining more and more capacity to communicate. With this, they will discover more and more peace and harmony.”
“Ever-present propensity for conflict” becomes “ever-present desire to connect”. This desire remains active even while limited in communication tools/capacity. This desire continuously motivates and inspires human beings to explore avenues for increased communication and connection.
Can we assume that the quality and result of communication will be, to a great extent, dependent on the content of communication.
There could be a sort of (shallow) communication that amuse ourselves to”death”, I’m afraid.
Yes, we can assume that.
The sort of shallow communication could be us just practising the tools/faculties of language/thought/expression – like babies babbling.