Cyber Social Work

Cyber Social Work is/will be about helping people to keep the cyber/digital aspects of their lives healthy. Like a digital/cyber-focused strand of social work.

For example, being safe online – from financial loss, identity misuse, harassment, privacy breaches; particularly for people in groups identified as especially vulnerable to such threats (seniors, people with low digital literacy etc.).

Develop the ability to detect scams/frauds by understanding reliable trust indicators and how to verify them. To detect/investigate/verify the trustworthiness of information found online. Support digital literacy and safety efforts.

This is part of the natural evolution of thoughts/concerns around Public Interest Technology, Science and Technology Studies (STS), Tech for Social Good, and niche ideas like Cyber GP clinics.

The Digital Safety Support volunteer role being proposed to COPE Galway could be considered an example of cyber social work.

The term ‘Cyber Social Work’ is also present in some discussions where it means ‘using digital tools to deliver social work’. But I’m imagining/meaning it as ‘social work for the digital/cyber health/welfare/wellbeing of people’.

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